"Help, I'm inheriting",March 19, 2025,Photo: Rob Lewis The Berner Generationenhaus is highlighting the topic of inheritance in an exhibition. And shows: We all leave something to the world. I recently inherited something that was an emotional mountain...,hilfe ich erbe - Bild Ausstellung Bern - terre des hommes schweiz
The Generations House in Bern is holding an exhibition on the subject of inheritance. And shows: We all leave something to the world. I recently inherited something that triggered an emotional rollercoaster ride.

Peace from below: strengthening the commitment of young people
In a world that is coming apart at the seams, the commitment to peaceful coexistence, democracy and human rights is more important than ever. In order to contribute to greater stability and peace

Attention: Danger of confusion!
We would like to point out that the cardboard advertising that is currently being dropped into letterboxes does not come from us, but from Terre des hommes - Children's Aid worldwide. In Switzerland there are three
The power of dreams: the youth of Cabula demand their rights
In Salvador, Brazil, a group of young people are working for a just future. Their aim is nothing less than to break down deeply rooted structures of racism, discrimination and violence.
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