Media release - After two years of forced break from Corona, the popular imagine festival is finally taking place again in Basel at the beginning of June, a supra-regional crowd puller with a national message. Grandiose musical acts and a sensitization program to the imagine slogan "For diversity. Against discrimination" await young and old on two days before Whitsun on Barfüsserplatz and the Klosterhof stage. imagine, the self-organized youth project of terre des hommes switzerland, is more than a festival. The unique autonomous creative laboratory directed by young people from the Basel region has been contributing to a more just and peaceful world for 20 years.
"imagine is the creative laboratory for a multi-voiced, diverse and inclusive society," says Luciano Gagliardi, project coordinator for imagine at terre des hommes switzerland. "A society that gives everyone a place and that we meet each other as equals."
On Friday and Saturday, June 3 and 4, the popular festival in Basel's city center with the imagine slogan "For diversity. Against Discrimination" by young people for everyone can finally take place again. With great musical acts and themed events on a persistently burning issue.
imagine an autonomous youth project against virulent prejudices
imagine has been the self-organized youth project of terre des hommes schweiz for 20 years. "imagine is the autonomous platform for youth participation," says Luciano Gagliardi, project coordinator for imagine at terre des hommes schweiz. "Project planning and implementation are entirely the responsibility of the imagine team."
imagine is much more than a festival, for example book workshops at schools or podcasts against "pigeonholing" and normative exclusion. The imagine team, around 40 teenagers and young adults as well as numerous volunteers, does immense work throughout the year with the motto: put an end to all forms of discrimination and say YES to peaceful coexistence free from violence.
imagine in figures
- 28,000 visitors a year at the imagine festival
- 100 volunteers per year
- 5000 working hours per year
- A total of over 1200 workshop hours held
- A total of 200 local, national and international bands and music artists since the festival began in 2002, including Leoniden, Chet Faker and the Basel Symphony Orchestra
With imagine for a more just and peaceful world
"Diversity means the right to multiple voices," says Luciano Gagliardi from terre des hommes schweiz. "Diversity means, for example, that issues such as marriage for all have their rightful place in society. This can be unsettling and provoke resistance."
"We need new skills, strategies and positive experiences to deal with the diversity of voices." In this sense, the imagine festival, the most visible highlight of the year, is "an instrument for raising awareness for a more just and peaceful world," says Luciano Gagliardi, project coordinator for imagine at terre des hommes schweiz. "The young people of imagine show us how it's done."
About terre des hommes switzerland
terre des hommes schweiz strengthens young people in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland. Together with them, we fight poverty, violence and discrimination and work for the rights of children and young people and fair North-South relations. Our core competence lies in participatory and solution-oriented work with young people.
Copyright photo: imagine, Dominik Asche
Press Kit:
Festival website:
terre des hommes switzerland about imagine:
For the expertise on youth participation and for access to the film portrait on imagine (approx. 12') before the official premiere at the festival -> Luciano Gagliardi (he/him), Project Coordination imagine at terre des hommes schweiz ,
For the awareness-raising work of imagine "For Diversity - Against Discrimination" and for the thematic events at the festival -> Cielïs Bravo (they/iel),
For the festival program and the musical acts -> Joshua Rössle (he/him),
Contact media office terre des hommes switzerland: