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Climate Justice

Der Klimawandel ist real und seine Folgen treffen wie üblich die Ärmsten am heftigsten. Viele der Jugendlichen, mit denen und für die wir arbeiten, sind davon betroffen. Sei es durch Dürren, die der Landwirtschaft zusetzen oder Zyklone, die Lebensgrundlagen zerstören. Deshalb setzt sich terre des hommes schweiz für Klimagerechtigkeit ein. https://youtu.be/3bJpHtZP1eg Die Schweizer Stimmbevölkerung hat

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The Federal Council must now implement Agenda 2030!

Five years ago, Switzerland adopted the UN 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Poverty in all its forms and dimensions is to be eradicated by 2030. All countries are challenged! But in Switzerland, a strategy for their implementation is missing so far. In an appeal to the Federal Council, the Agenda Platform calls for

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Young women from Las Melidas beat on big drums at a public rally.

The most important thing is to break the silence

A new study by the WHO shows: Sexual and other physical violence against women is much more common worldwide than previously suspected. At least every third woman has already suffered violence. The women of El Salvador are particularly affected. There, the partner organisation Las Melidas is making a courageous commitment to the rights and protection of girls and women.
Andrea Zellhuber, responsible for violence prevention and conflict transformation

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Many Sahrawis stand around a huge flag with the inscription: Siemens get out of Western Sahara.

Morocco's dirty business with green energy

Media Release
UN Climate Change Conference 2016 in Marrakech: Morocco cements the human rights violating occupation of Western Sahara with dirty deals for allegedly clean energy. Siemens wind turbines disrupt the UN peace process in the Western Sahara conflict. A detailed report highlights the unclean linkages.

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Young girl

Rio 2016: The Olympic Games of exclusion

Today the Citizens' Committee of Rio is publishing a report on the human rights situation in the run-up to the Olympic Games, which will be held in Rio next summer. The report, in which Terre des Hommes has collaborated, documents a series of serious human rights violations. "It is time for the International Olympic Committee to assume its responsibilities and act in accordance with the values set out in the Olympic Charter," said Ignacio Parker, Secretary General of the International Federation Terre des Hommes.

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Ana Paula Gomes de Oliveira with her raised fist in front of the UNO building Behind her the flags of the member countries.

Gold for Vila Autodromo - Conclusion of the games in Rio

The media coverage around the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio had little positive to offer apart from the medal celebrations. One week after the end of the Games, the dust has settled a little, this is the right opportunity to reflect on a conclusion. And this does not only provide bitter insights. There is also reason for hope.

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At the imagine Festival 2014 the weather god was in a good mood and the atmosphere was excellent.

imagine Festival 2015 - countermovement: Encounter

Just a moment ago there was still a market and a short time later everything is ready: The imagine festival is already in the starting blocks. Next weekend (June 12th/13th) we from terre des hommes schweiz can look forward to a concentrated load of music and youth culture. The motto "Counter-movement: Encounter opens up a lot of scope and, surprisingly, invites you to all kinds of encounters.

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Young people from the Kividea project at a vegetable and fruit stand.

On the right track: thousands reached

The last few years have been eventful for terre des hommes switzerland and its partner organisations in Tanzania: 20 000 children and young people were reached by the partner organisations with their commitment in 2012 alone. After years of pioneering work, especially in the field of psychosocial support, terre des hommes schweiz receives good marks for its commitment in Tanzania.
Markus Bütler, Programme Coordinator Tanzania

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A demonstration on the streets of a favela

The giant Brazil has awakened

Unforgotten are the demonstrations that recently roused Brazil. Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets. Price increases in public transport had triggered the protest. But the protesters were concerned about much more, as a commentary by our staff member and National Coordinator in Brazil, Alexandre Menezes, shows.

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A Brazilian success story

Together with its partner organizations, terre des hommes schweiz is committed to sustainable and ecological agriculture in several countries. A new study from Brazil also shows that agroforestry systems supported by terre des hommes schweiz mitigate the effects of climate change. Larissa Silva de Oliveira is a farmer in Brazil. At the beginning, the 19-year-old was ashamed of her

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