


At terre des hommes switzerland, a total of 63 employees are committed to a just world. Together with young people and partner organizations in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland, we create perspectives for young people. Our employees are a colorful team of experienced people who are committed to the values and goals of our organization with a lot of passion, expertise and drive.

Focal points
Development Policy
Fundraising and Communication
Management Board
International employees
Franziska Lauper
Executive Director
061 338 91 47 | franziska.lauper(at)terredeshommes.ch
Franziska LauperExecutive Director

061 338 91 47 | franziska.lauper(at)terredeshommes.ch

Reto Mischler
Head of Communication and Fundraising
061 338 91 31 | reto.mischler(at)terredeshommes.ch
Reto MischlerHead of Communication and Fundraising

061 338 91 31 | reto.mischler(at)terredeshommes.ch

Gabriela Wichser
Head of Programmes
061 335 91 55 | gabriela.wichser(at)terredeshommes.ch
Gabriela WichserHead of Programmes

061 335 91 55 | gabriela.wichser(at)terredeshommes.ch

Tayson Mudarikiri
Co-program coordination Mozambique Zimbabwe and South Africa, Co-theme responsibility Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
Tayson MudarikiriCo-program coordination Mozambique Zimbabwe and South Africa, Co-theme responsibility Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.


Fabiana Kuriki
Program coordination Brazil and Colombia, M+E
061 338 91 39 | fabiana.kuriki(at)terredeshommes.ch
Fabiana KurikiProgram coordination Brazil and Colombia, M+E

061 338 91 39 | fabiana.kuriki(at)terredeshommes.ch

Andreas Hugentobler
Program coordination El Salvador and thematic responsibility Sustainable livelihoods
061 338 91 49 | andreas.hugentobler(at)terredeshommes.ch
Andreas HugentoblerProgram coordination El Salvador and thematic responsibility Sustainable livelihoods

061 338 91 49 | andreas.hugentobler(at)terredeshommes.ch

Anette Homlicher
Program Coordination Nicaragua, Security
061 338 91 48 | anette.homlicher(at)terredeshommes.ch
Anette HomlicherProgram Coordination Nicaragua, Security

061 338 91 48 | anette.homlicher(at)terredeshommes.ch

Hafid Derbal
Co-program coordination Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, Co-theme responsibility Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.
061 338 91 47 | hafid.derbal(at)terredeshommes.ch
Hafid DerbalCo-program coordination Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa, Co-theme responsibility Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

061 338 91 47 | hafid.derbal(at)terredeshommes.ch

Annette Mokler
Development Policy, Program Coordination Western Sahara
061 335 91 53 | annette.mokler(at)terredeshommes.ch
Annette MoklerDevelopment Policy, Program Coordination Western Sahara

061 335 91 53 | annette.mokler(at)terredeshommes.ch

Sandra Ramirez
National Coordination EI Salvador
Sandra RamirezNational Coordination EI Salvador


Nodumo Kwidini Ndhlovu
National Coordination Zimbabwe and South Africa
Nodumo Kwidini NdhlovuNational Coordination Zimbabwe and South Africa


Julia Garcia
National coordination Brazil
Julia Garcia@terredeshommes.ch
Julia GarciaNational coordination Brazil

Julia Garcia@terredeshommes.ch

Victoria Maeda
National Coordination Tanzania
Victoria MaedaNational Coordination Tanzania


Lilieth Hernandez
National Coordination Nicaragua
Lilieth HernandezNational Coordination Nicaragua


Paula Macave
National Coordination Mozambique
Paula MacaveNational Coordination Mozambique


Elisha Diaz
National Coordination Colombia
Elisha DiazNational Coordination Colombia


Luciano Gagliardi
Project Coordination imagine and International Youth Network, Youth Participation Unit
061 338 91 62 | luciano.gagliardi(at)terredeshommes.ch
Luciano GagliardiProject Coordination imagine and International Youth Network, Youth Participation Unit

061 338 91 62 | luciano.gagliardi(at)terredeshommes.ch

Catherine Brunold
Projects Switzerland and Psycho Social Support PSS
061 335 91 57 | catherine.brunold(at)terredeshommes.ch
Catherine BrunoldProjects Switzerland and Psycho Social Support PSS

061 335 91 57 | catherine.brunold(at)terredeshommes.ch

Jeyani Thiyagaraja
Co-Management International Youth Network
Jeyani ThiyagarajaCo-Management International Youth Network


Andrea Zellhuber
Development policy and thematic responsibility culture of peace
061 335 91 52 | andrea.zellhuber(at)terredeshommes.ch
Andrea ZellhuberDevelopment policy and thematic responsibility culture of peace

061 335 91 52 | andrea.zellhuber(at)terredeshommes.ch

Sylvia Valentin
Advocacy and Campaining
061 338 91 45 | sylvia.valentin(at)terredeshommes.ch
Sylvia ValentinAdvocacy and Campaining

061 338 91 45 | sylvia.valentin(at)terredeshommes.ch

Loredana Engler
Fundraising, communication and corporate cooperation
061 335 91 50 | loredana.engler(at)terredeshommes.ch
Loredana EnglerFundraising, communication and corporate cooperation

061 335 91 50 | loredana.engler(at)terredeshommes.ch

Valentina Darbellay
Advocacy Alliance terre des hommes switzerland/suisse
Valentina DarbellayAdvocacy Alliance terre des hommes switzerland/suisse


Sheila Glasz
Digital communication
061 338 91 42 | sheila.glasz(at)terredeshommes.ch
Sheila GlaszDigital communication

061 338 91 42 | sheila.glasz(at)terredeshommes.ch

Jasmin Schraner
Media and Communication
061 335 91 51 | jasmin.schraner(at)terredeshommes.ch
Jasmin SchranerMedia and Communication

061 335 91 51 | jasmin.schraner(at)terredeshommes.ch

Susanne Buri
Fundraising and Communication
061 338 91 36 | susanne.buri(at)terredeshommes.ch
Susanne BuriFundraising and Communication

061 338 91 36 | susanne.buri(at)terredeshommes.ch

Dominique Schmid
Fundraising and communication, data protection
061 338 91 41 | dominique.schmid(at)terredeshommes.ch
Dominique SchmidFundraising and communication, data protection

061 338 91 41 | dominique.schmid(at)terredeshommes.ch

Michèle Minet
Visual communication
061 338 91 61 | michele.minet(at)terredeshommes.ch
Michèle MinetVisual communication

061 338 91 61 | michele.minet(at)terredeshommes.ch

Erich Rudin
Donation Administration
061 338 91 43 | erich.rudin(at)terredeshommes.ch
Erich RudinDonation Administration

061 338 91 43 | erich.rudin(at)terredeshommes.ch

Jorge Contreras
Technical Consultancy for Psycho Social Support PSS and Youth Participation Nicaragua
Jorge ContrerasTechnical Consultancy for Psycho Social Support PSS and Youth Participation Nicaragua


Mlungisi Nyathi
Technical Consultancy for Psycho Social Support PSS and Youth Participation Zimbabwe and South Africa
Mlungisi NyathiTechnical Consultancy for Psycho Social Support PSS and Youth Participation Zimbabwe and South Africa


Vaireth Mnguto
Technical Consultancy for Psycho Social Support PSS and Youth Participation Tanzania
Vaireth MngutoTechnical Consultancy for Psycho Social Support PSS and Youth Participation Tanzania


Mira Agostinis
Institutional fundraising
061 338 91 67 | mira.agostinis(at)terredeshommes.ch
Mira AgostinisInstitutional fundraising

061 338 91 67 | mira.agostinis(at)terredeshommes.ch

Sven Brogli
Administration and Organization
061 338 91 37 | sven.brogli(at)terredeshommes.ch
Sven BrogliAdministration and Organization

061 338 91 37 | sven.brogli(at)terredeshommes.ch

Sascha Tankerville
Assistant to the management, Safeguarding
061 338 91 32 | sascha.tankerville(at)terredeshommes.ch
Sascha TankervilleAssistant to the management, Safeguarding

061 338 91 32 | sascha.tankerville(at)terredeshommes.ch

Nurcan Sarica
Finances and Human Resources
061 338 91 44 | nurcan.sarica(at)terredeshommes.ch
Nurcan SaricaFinances and Human Resources

061 338 91 44 | nurcan.sarica(at)terredeshommes.ch

Valentin Thalmann
Commercial processing
Valentin ThalmannCommercial processing


Nicolas Staehelin
Assistance programs
Nicolas StaehelinAssistance programs


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