Projects in Brazil
What our youth initiatives in Brazil have in common is that they all aim for structural and sustainable change. In urban areas, we support young people who are committed to combating violence. In rural areas, we support youth groups that use environmental protection measures and ecological farming to create prospects for a sustainable life in the countryside.
Future prospects thanks to organic farming

Many young people in the northeast of Brazil do not see any possibility to build up an existence in their home region in the countryside. They migrate in droves to the big cities or seek work as harvest workers on large plantations, where they are often exploited. Our partner organisation Centro Sabia supports them in developing future prospects in the countryside. A sustainable basis is provided by the ecological farming method Agroforestry.
Young people in the countryside focus on organic farming

Black youth and political participation
In Salvador da Bahia in northeastern Brazil, black youth are exposed to severe discrimination and massive violence. State measures to prevent violence often fall short or contradict the extreme police violence. In the state of Bahia, the murder rate of 47 murders per hundred thousand inhabitants is almost 47 times higher than the European average. Young, black men are particularly often affected; they have a much higher risk of being murdered than white men. That is why we offer young people further training in communication and encourage them to stand up for their rights in the Subúrbio slum.
Ways out of the spiral of violence
Basic information

Size: 8.5 million km² (206 times Switzerland)
Population: 207.8 million (24 times Switzerland)
Human Development Index: 0,754 (rank 79 of 185 countries)
Distribution of income in %: 82.9 (0 = equal distribution / 100% = one person has everything)
Proportion of population aged 0 to 24 years: 40.3% (Switzerland: 26.5%)
Homicide rate: 24.6 per 100 000 inhabitants (Switzerland: 0.6)
Focus of work: Prevention of violence
Programme Coordination
061 338 91 39 | fabiana.kuriki(at)