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YES to democracy and political debate!

Switzerland's international solidarity was at issue in the referendum campaign for the initiative on corporate responsibility. terre des hommes switzerland campaigned for a YES to the popular initiative, which enjoys unique and broad support. In her statement, Franziska Lauper, Executive Director of terre des hommes schweiz, argues why standing up for the poorest and most vulnerable is a Swiss tradition.

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The Bundeshaus in Bern under a cloudless sky. People on the Bundesplatz.

Lip service instead of sustainable development

The Federal Council's proposed Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 is urgently needed, but does not adequately take into account the global importance of Swiss domestic and foreign policy: it is non-binding, vague and unambitious. In its response to the consultation, Alliance Sud calls for fundamental improvements. Alliance Sud media release.

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CO2 law - a step towards climate justice

On June 13, 2021, the CO2 law will be put to the vote, which terre des hommes switzerland supports in the Climate Alliance Switzerland. With the federal law on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Switzerland can take a pioneering role for international climate justice. Because the consequences of climate change are also clear for the young people in our projects in the global south

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Yes to the protection of people and the environment

An astounding 50.7 percent of Swiss voters say yes to the Corporate Responsibility Initiative, which was voted on 29 November 2020. For terre des hommes schweiz this is a historic success for a cause of international solidarity. However, due to the higher proportion of "no" votes in the cantons (Ständemehr), the indirect counter-proposal will be put forward, provided that no referendum is held against it.

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Samira Marti, National Councillor SP BS

Rejected asylum seekers: "Emergency aid a dead end"

What are good solutions for people with legally rejected asylum applications in emergency aid? Five experts from politics, authorities and civil society discussed this question on 11 November in Basel at the invitation of terre des hommes schweiz. The report of the event with video live streaming.

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Lukewarm commitment to sustainable development

Alliance Sud media release - The Federal Council today sent its Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) out for consultation. The Swiss strategy for the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda leaves it at nice, but completely non-binding words. It is already more than five years since Switzerland signed up to the SDGs in New York.

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In Brazil, the police behave as in the civil war and repeatedly target innocent people.

Export of war material out of control

Media release - There is always the risk that war material from Swiss production is used in human rights violations in other countries. For example in Brazil, where arms and police violence in the slums are on the increase. terre des hommes switzerland demands stronger democratic control of Swiss arms exports on the occasion of the latest SECO figures on war material exports. The development organization, which campaigns for the

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National Council votes for ban on administrative detention of minors

We are very pleased that the National Council has accepted the initiative "Stop administrative detention for children! Many thanks to all National Councillors who voted in favor of the bill! With this vote, the National Council underlines the commitment of the Confederation to respect children's rights. The motion of the Canton of Geneva demands from the legislator the prohibition of the so-called administrative detention at the

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The Federal Council must now implement Agenda 2030!

Five years ago, Switzerland adopted the UN 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Poverty in all its forms and dimensions is to be eradicated by 2030. All countries are challenged! But in Switzerland, a strategy for their implementation is missing so far. In an appeal to the Federal Council, the Agenda Platform calls for

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Orange KVI flag on a clothesline

Every vote counts!

On 29 November, a vote will finally be taken on the corporate responsibility initiative. terre des hommes schweiz has been committed to it from the outset. The initiative demands that it goes without saying that Swiss companies that disregard human rights and destroy the environment should take responsibility for this. The petition for a referendum enjoys broad support among the population and the business community and is also supported by representatives of all parties. It must, however, stand up to financially powerful opponents who are resorting to sometimes dubious means for their anti-campaign.

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