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Young people holding up anti-gun shields, Portuguese slogans

Swiss arms exports flourish

The latest SECO figures on war material exports show Despite the Corona crisis, the export business of the Swiss arms industry is flourishing. To ensure effective control of arms exports, terre des hommes schweiz is participating in the alliance of the corrective initiative and is taking a clear stand on the Federal Council's indirect counter-proposal.

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The Bundeshaus in Bern under a cloudless sky. People on the Bundesplatz.

No sign of international solidarity

Even in corona times, the National Council does not want to expand Switzerland's international commitment. Several motions from the Foreign Policy and Finance Committees have called for an increase in the framework credits for international cooperation 2021-2024. The Council rejected them all.

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Group responsibility initiative is put to the vote

After three years of parliamentary back-and-forth, it is now clear that since the National Council and the Council of States have been unable to agree on a viable counter-proposal, the corporate responsibility initiative will be put to the ballot box. Swiss voters are expected to be able to vote in November in favour of making Swiss companies accountable for violating human rights and destroying the environment.

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Black and white US dollar and cents on top of each other

Swiss banks have to deleverage developing countries!

The corona crisis is plunging many developing countries into emergency situations. Swiss banks have a responsibility as major creditors of these countries. Together with 10 other Swiss organisations, we are calling on the Swiss government to convene a round table to negotiate the modalities of debt relief.

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Climate justice for future generations

On 9 and 10 June, the National Council will discuss the new CO2 Act, which is intended to set the course of Swiss climate policy for the coming years. Climate change is destroying the development prospects of millions of young people worldwide. We urgently need measures to avert the climate catastrophe and ensure climate justice. This is what we are calling for together with the Swiss Climate Alliance.

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Open letter for more solidarity

The Covid 19 pandemic is having a major impact on the state of the poorest countries. Their health systems are collapsing, millions of people are unemployed and the pandemic has not yet reached its peak. That is why terre des hommes switzerland, together with other Alliance Sud organizations, is demanding more support for international cooperation from the Federal Council and the Federal Assembly. What is needed now is a

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Petition "Protection for children on the run" - Sign now!

Petition "Protection for children on the run" - Sign now!

The Corona virus has reached the first refugee camps on the Greek mainland. Now action must be taken quickly, because it is probably a matter of time before the virus also reaches the completely overcrowded refugee camps on the Greek islands. There, several thousand children live under the most precarious conditions. terre des hommes switzerland therefore supports the petition "Protection for

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Barbed wire and wire fence black and white with sky

Don't forget refugees!

In the middle of the corona crisis, another acute problem almost disappears: Thousands of people are still in a precarious situation on the Turkish-Greek border. In addition, the overcrowded refugee camps in Greece are also threatened by a corona outbreak with devastating consequences. We must not leave these people alone and must help them despite - or perhaps because of - the closed external borders of the EU.

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"Clear signal for a humane Switzerland"

terre des hommes switzerland is very pleased about the clear yes to the bill on the extended anti-racism penal norm. This will now also protect people who become targets of hatred and discrimination because of their sexual orientation. terre des hommes switzerland has been campaigning for the human rights and development of young people in the North-South context for 60 years and supports and

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Glencore mine poisons children

In Cerro de Pasco (Peru) air and water are poisoned with heavy metals. A huge Glencore mine is responsible for this. Especially for the children the lead poisoning has dramatic consequences: Anemia, disability, paralysis. Sign the protest letter now! Author: Corporate Responsibility Initiative

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