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Ana Paula Gomes de Oliveira with her raised fist in front of the UNO building Behind her the flags of the member countries.

Gold for Vila Autodromo - Conclusion of the games in Rio

The media coverage around the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio had little positive to offer apart from the medal celebrations. One week after the end of the Games, the dust has settled a little, this is the right opportunity to reflect on a conclusion. And this does not only provide bitter insights. There is also reason for hope.

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Young women sell their own bananas at the market stall.

Youth Day - change must come from below

Young people around the world are already making an important contribution to a sustainable future. But with support they could do much more. This is what the UN is pointing out on today's International Youth Day. We have been saying this for years, prioritising support for young people in a different place than the UN.

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Map of the Rio region with yellow

Rio 2016: Making exclusion visible

It is not surprising that the inhabitants of Rio speak of the "games of exclusion". The legacy of the 2016 Olympic Games will mean for them a militarized city marked by social exclusion. A week of action by grassroots organisations is intended to highlight the high social costs of the 2016 Olympic Games.

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Demonstrators in front of the Parlemts building in Rio with a poster with the inscription: Rio 2016 - Os Jogos da Exclusao.

Abuses in Rio 2016 - people defend their rights

With the Children Win campaign, Terre des Hommes has been demanding for years that major sporting events should not have a negative impact on the inhabitants of the host cities. The worst fears have been confirmed for the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Civil society is fighting back against these fears.

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"Wake-up call" against imminent clear-cutting in development cooperation

Together with over 30 organisations of Swiss civil society, terre des hommes schweiz is calling on the national and state parliaments not to make savings on the backs of the poorest people, but to devote 0.7 percent of our national income to public development cooperation. The "wake-up call against hunger and poverty" is supported by more than three dozen prominent first signatories from the worlds of politics, business, science, the church, sport, culture and entertainment.

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Screenshot from the program Kassensturz. The presenter has tomatoes on the table.

No conflict tomatoes in the supermarket - Get active!

In the issue of 09.02.2016, the consumer programme Kassensturz reported in detail on the unclean declaration of tomatoes from Western Sahara. terre des hommes schweiz is demanding that Swiss retailers immediately stop importing products from Western Sahara. Take action and write to your retailer!

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Young girl

Rio 2016: The Olympic Games of exclusion

Today the Citizens' Committee of Rio is publishing a report on the human rights situation in the run-up to the Olympic Games, which will be held in Rio next summer. The report, in which Terre des Hommes has collaborated, documents a series of serious human rights violations. "It is time for the International Olympic Committee to assume its responsibilities and act in accordance with the values set out in the Olympic Charter," said Ignacio Parker, Secretary General of the International Federation Terre des Hommes.

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Federal Palace in Bern from below.

Crisis aid at the expense of fighting the causes

Alliance Sud criticises the Federal Council's decision to increase emergency aid to Syria and other crisis countries. As necessary as it is, it is necessary to save these funds in long-term development cooperation.
Media release from Alliance Sud of 18 September 2015

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