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Swiss company transported phosphate from occupied Western Sahara

Phosphate is being mined in the occupied Western Sahara against the will of the Sahrawi people. Swiss companies are repeatedly involved in the transportation of the raw material. This is also the case in 2023, as a new report shows. Companies involved in mining and transportation support the status quo of the occupation of this last colony in Africa. The phosphate rock used in the mine

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Petition for a strong corporate responsibility law

Polluted rivers, highly toxic mine waste and destroyed rainforests: The unscrupulous business practices of some Swiss corporations have been well known at least since the vote on the Corporate Responsibility Initiative. Time and again, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter promised before the vote that she would work for an "internationally coordinated" corporate responsibility law and for a "level playing field" for corporations in Switzerland and Europe. Now that even the

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At the expense of the world

The report published on July 6 by the Agenda 2030 platform, on which terre des hommes switzerland also worked, makes a sobering observation: Switzerland is not on track with its contribution to a sustainable world. The broad alliance of organizations calls for more leadership from the Federal Council to make the necessary changes, to halve poverty, to

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Record revenue for sustainable prospects for young people

Media release - terre des hommes switzerland earned almost 10 million Swiss francs last year. This is the best financial result in the history of the Swiss development organization. The healthy finances allow terre des hommes switzerland to continue making a solid contribution to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in favor of the prospects of young people. In the new

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The Music Festival and More - 20 Years of Imagine for Diversity and Inclusion

Media release - After two years of forced break from Corona, the popular imagine festival is finally taking place again in Basel at the beginning of June, a supra-regional crowd puller with a national message. Grandiose musical acts and a sensitization program to the imagine slogan "For diversity. Against discrimination" await young and old on two days before Whitsun on Barfüsserplatz and the Klosterhof stage. imagine, the self-organized youth project of terre

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EU Corporate Responsibility Law: Switzerland soon the only country in Europe without corporate responsibility?

The EU Commission presented the draft for an EU-wide corporate responsibility law in Brussels today. It obliges corporations to respect human rights and the environment and - like the Corporate Responsibility Initiative (CRI) - contains liability rules and sanctions in the event of violations. The Federal Council must now keep its promise from the referendum campaign and ensure that Switzerland will not soon be the only

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"The emergency aid system makes you sick": asylum seekers after negative decision

Media release - Rejected asylum seekers in Switzerland usually end up in the emergency aid system. Here, the conditions are almost everywhere inhumane and harmful to health, criticize about 450 professionals from medicine, psychotherapy and psychology. In an open letter to the authorities and politicians, as well as to offices and enforcement organizations, they demand humane treatment of asylum seekers with negative decisions. Support

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New members strengthen Alliance Sud

Alliance Sud, the working group of Swiss aid organizations, is growing. terre des hommes schweiz, which has been involved in this Swiss development policy think tank for over ten years, is delighted about this. "Switzerland needs to be development-friendly," says Franziska Lauper, executive director at terre des hommes schweiz. "More than ever, we need a strong development policy voice in Switzerland." -

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Reto Mischler new Head of Communications and Fundraising

Media release - With Reto Mischler, Head of Communications and Fundraising at terre des hommes switzerland since September 1, 2021, a proven executive joins the Swiss development organization for young people. The fundraising expert and political scientist from Bern, born in 1969, has worked in well-known regional, national and international non-profit organizations. He spent several years in the Middle East and in

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