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Young woman in a field with a watering can - Project in Mozambique - terre des hommes schweiz

Is a healthy environment a human right?

Climate change is threatening the future of children and young people worldwide. The recognition of the right to a healthy environment by the United Nations was a historic step - but further measures are needed to achieve environmental justice. Extreme weather events are increasing worldwide - often with devastating consequences for people. In Mozambique, for example, where millions live on

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Young woman behind the wheel of a truck - terre des hommes schweiz

A free ride into a self-determined future

In Mozambique, poverty and violence are part of everyday life for many girls and women. In the north-east of the country, our partner organization AMUDEM is working to change this. Through education and their own income, young women like Dorca Davide Matias are taking control of their own lives again. When Dorca's cell phone

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A dignified life thanks to sustainable education

Many people in Mozambique suffer from extreme poverty and the consequences of natural disasters. Cyclones, floods and droughts have increased significantly in recent years. In our project, we teach young people about environmentally friendly, agroecological agriculture. This also secures their livelihoods. A field report from our Mozambique program coordinator, Hafid Derbal. In May 2023, I had the

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Ana keeps Mozambique in suspense

At the end of January, Hurricane Ana hits the east coast of Africa. The population of Mozambique suffers particularly badly, with deaths and enormous property damage. Events like this have become more frequent in recent years and show the bitter seriousness of climate change for the global south.

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Port of Pemba - refuge for refugees

Extremists murder, government stonewalls

The situation in northern Mozambique is coming to a head again. Islamist groups attacked the coastal town of Palma, murdered 90 people and captured numerous goods, possibly for further attacks. Thousands sought refuge on foot and by sea in the port of Pemba (pictured). Even if the so-called IS claims the crime, the attackers are likely to be less

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"Social work is my path" 

Drucila Meireles, pictured here on the right, is a strong woman with an eventful history. As a technical advisor of terre des hommes switzerland in Mozambique, she supports and accompanies the activities of our local partners on sexual violence, empowerment and psycho-social support. Drucila Meireles herself used to seek help in a youth project of terre des hommes switzerland in

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IS and armed rebels disturb peace in Mozambique

In Mozambique, several armed groups are threatening the peace. In the north, Islamist fighters attack innocent people under the flag of the so-called Islamic State (IS). In the center, a splinter group of the opposition party refuses to sign a peace treaty with the government. Once again, poverty and a lack of prospects provide the best breeding ground for violent gangs and their recruiters. International aid turns out to be

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Mozambique: Youth engagement against Covid-19

The corona virus spreads in several provinces of Mozambique, along hitherto undiscovered paths. Prevention therefore remains the most important protection for the people, because health care is not up to the pandemic. In Chimoio, young people are making an important contribution to the fight against the corona virus. They disseminate information and hygiene articles that many cannot afford.

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How young people in Mozambique fight the corona virus

Young people fight the corona virus in Mozambique

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in Africa and is in deep crisis: Hurricanes caused great destruction a year ago, and Crédit Suisse and a past government plunged Mozambique into a financial crisis. Now the coronavirus threatens to make the situation devastatingly worse. That is why we are on the ground with the young people from our projects

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We collect for Mozambique

We are collecting donations for the reconstruction and food supply in Mozambique. In spring 2019, cyclones Idai and Kenneth robbed thousands of people of their harvest. The consequences are long-term, as they now lack the basis for life. Read here what is currently happening in our project area.

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