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Petition: CS should exonerate Mozambique!

Mozambique is today struggling with the consequences of the devastating hurricane Idai. Millions of people have lost their livelihoods. Another cyclone, Kenneth-19, has devastated northern Mozambique in recent days. The country now urgently needs money to alleviate the plight of the people and to start reconstruction.

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SRF-Mitenand near Amudem in Tanzania.

We were on TV!

In November, Swiss Television SRF made an impressive contribution to the work of our partner organization AMUDEM in the Mitenand program. 

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Adérito Caldeira stands with a microphone.

"The people should be involved. But that's not happening."

In the context of the conference "Between War and Peace. Parties, Civil Society and Democratization in Mozambique" of the KoordinationsKreis Mosambik e.V. in Berlin I interviewed the freelance journalist Adérito Caldeira from Maputo about the current political situation.
Catherine Hollinger, Programme Coordinator Mozambique

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Afonso Dhlkama gives a speech through the roof window of a car.

Mozambique before another civil war?

Since 2013, the political situation in Mozambique has come to a head. The two parties Frelimo (Frente de Libertacao de Moçambique) and Renamo (Resistencia Nacional Moçambicana) regularly engaged in armed fighting. The attempted assassination of the Renamo leader in September 2015 further exacerbated the situation. The outcome of this conflict cannot be predicted.
Catherine Hollinger, Programme Coordinator Mozambique

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Two youths are grinding a wooden chair in the open air.

Concrete perspectives for 60 young people per year

Our partner organization Centro Aberto in Chimoio, Mozambique, is a small grassroots organization that can make a big difference. Through their valuable work and a state-recognised degree, up to 60 young people from the "25 de Junho" district, which is characterised by poverty and alcohol, have the chance to build a life of their own.
Catherine Hollinger, Project Coordinator Mozambique

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Rosaria and her children in front of her old and new house. Below left portrait of Gabriela Wichser.

Piece by piece to the homeowner

The work of terre des hommes schweiz is aimed first and foremost at young people. However, some of our partner organisations also work with adults, who thus become role models for young people. The following example from Rosaria in Mozambique shows this impressively.
Gabriela Wichser, Programme Manager Mozambique

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Women and girls in orange T-shirts and uniform skirts dance uniformly in a public square.

LeMuSiCa raises public awareness with dance

A funeral wreath, a street parade and a dance performance in the style of One Billion Rising: with these actions, terre des hommes Switzerland's partner organisation LeMuSiCa launched the action days "16 days against violence against women" on 25 November. Three further events are to follow.

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