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Correction initiative: withdrawal possible

On Monday, September 13, 2021, the National Council will discuss the corrective initiative including a counter-proposal. The Council of States has already passed a counter-proposal in spring, which represents an acceptable compromise for the Alliance against Arms Exports to Civil War Countries. If the National Council follows the proposal of the Council of States, the Alliance will withdraw the corrective initiative. terre des hommes switzerland is committed to the initiative.

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First Swiss Refugee Parliament

On Sunday 6 June, the first Swiss Refugee Parliament met in the Trinity Church in Berne. A historic milestone for Switzerland. At the end of the session, the participants presented ten selected demands to politicians present and connected.

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Report to UNO: Switzerland does not sufficiently implement children's rights

In the latest report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, Switzerland receives poor marks. The Children's Rights Network Switzerland, of which terre des hommes switzerland is a member, states that the federal government and the cantons are far from respecting all the needs and rights of their children and young people. The network makes five demands on the federal government and the cantons. 

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Police violence in Brazil "devastating" - Stop Swiss arms exports

Media release - Weapons from Germany and Switzerland are used in police operations in Brazil. This often results in serious human rights violations against children and young people. An independent study by terre des hommes switzerland and terre des hommes Germany gets to the bottom of seven exemplary cases of lethal gun violence and uncovers serious deficiencies in control

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First refugee parliament in Switzerland

Far too often, refugees are talked about without asking them about their concerns. The first Swiss Refugee Parliament will now take place on 6 June. The preparations of the thematic commissions are already in full swing. terre des hommes switzerland supports the refugee session.

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Creative and determined against climate change

Climate change is a threat to future generations. Young people in Switzerland also no longer want to stand idly by. On 21 May, the time has come again: the Climate Youth calls for a Strike for Future. The next opportunity to get involved against climate change is already in June: on 13 June, the new CO2 law will be voted on.

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Young people in Brazil fight back against agrochemicals

Large corporations like Syngenta and Bayer are harming the environment and the health of countless people with their agrochemicals and pesticides, that has recently become clear. In Brazil, young people in the immediate vicinity are feeling it. "One of my neighbors lost his sight," Tatiane Ferreira says in a video supporting the March against Syngenta. The protest march takes place

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The Bundeshaus in Bern under a cloudless sky. People on the Bundesplatz.

No loopholes for the Federal Council in the arms trade!

Consistency is required in the parliamentary process on the "Corrective Initiative". The Alliance against Arms Exports to Civil War Countries, of which terre des hommes Switzerland is a member, is basically pleased that the indirect counter-proposal to the "Correction Initiative" intends to amend the War Material Act in its favor. However, the Federal Council wants to be able to continue to evade consistent democratic control by means of a new exemption regulation. This loophole must be

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Corrective Initiative: No Wild West with Guns in Brazil!

Media release - On 5 March, the Federal Council is expected to adopt its message on the popular initiative of the "Alliance against Arms Exports to Countries at Civil War", in short the corrective initiative. terre des hommes switzerland demands stronger democratic control of the Swiss arms trade and risk analyses also for export countries in which a cruel drama involving armed violence is taking place on a daily basis.

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