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Four boys in front of a clay wall with political gafitti.

Stop administrative detention for children!

Switzerland puts children and young people behind bars, even though it is highly dangerous for their psyche. Minors end up in so-called administrative detention if the Confederation wants to enforce legal provisions on foreigners. Switzerland is thus violating the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The canton of Geneva wants to ban administrative detention for children with an initiative. We support this initiative and demand alternative solutions.

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The Bundeshaus in Bern under a cloudless sky. People on the Bundesplatz.

What the Federal Council must improve

The Federal Council has presented what Swiss development cooperation (DC) will look like from 2021 to 2024. The plans concern both the projects that the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) runs itself and those that receive financial support from the federal government. All interested organizations were allowed to give feedback to the Federal Council. This is welcomed by terre des hommes switzerland,

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People in front of the Bundeshaus show red card.

Correction initiative submitted

Only six months after its launch, the Alliance against Arms Exports to Civil War Countries submitted the Corrective Initiative on June 24. The Corrective Initiative calls for a ban on the export of Swiss weapons to civil war countries or countries where human rights are systematically violated. Thanks to the massive support from the population, the alliance has succeeded within a very short time in getting more than

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Women's strike 14.6. Fist logo on purple background

Women on strike - go and take men with you

On June 14, 1991, women in Switzerland went on strike. Rather symbolic, but nevertheless a historic event! After 28 years, a new edition is necessary. Because the central demands of that time have still not been met: Equal pay, fair representation in management positions, protection against violence and discrimination. terre des hommes switzerland supports the demands of the women's strike.

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Petition: CS should exonerate Mozambique!

Mozambique is today struggling with the consequences of the devastating hurricane Idai. Millions of people have lost their livelihoods. Another cyclone, Kenneth-19, has devastated northern Mozambique in recent days. The country now urgently needs money to alleviate the plight of the people and to start reconstruction.

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tank firing a volley in the dust

Sign the Corrective Action Initiative now!

If the Federal Council has its way, Swiss weapons should fire even more bullets. Otherwise, his decision from the summer to deliver to civil war countries is incomprehensible. The Federal Government is bowing to the interests of the Swiss arms industry. The decision was taken without a prior democratic vote in parliament or among the electorate. This must change.

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Sahrauis protest against ABB.

Desert storm around ABB and LafargeHolcim

Vociferous demonstrators are gathering in Western Sahara to protest against the two Swiss companies ABB and LafargeHolcim. From the point of view of the local Sahrawi people, the companies are violating international law because they are doing business in the occupied part of Western Sahara. Western Sahara has been occupied by Morocco for 43 years.

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Portrait of Samuel Schweizer from Ernst Schweizer AG.

"The initiative matches our DNA

Anti-economic and unrealistic - this is how some opponents view the Concert Responsibility Initiative. However, many entrepreneurs see this differently. Samuel Schweizer, for example, who successfully runs a family business in the metal construction sector. For him, the initiative creates justice between responsible and irresponsible companies. "Swiss Made" would no longer only stand for high quality, but also for high responsibility.

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A young woman

Successful development work at stake

There are increasing signs that the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) is planning to reduce its involvement in Latin America or even cancel it altogether. As one of 24 organizations, terre des hommes schweiz is calling on the Federal Council to renounce this step. Decades of successful reconstruction work are thus being put at risk.
An open letter to Federal Councillor Cassis and the entire Federal Council (slightly edited version)

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