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Cover page of the report: How sustainable is Switzerland? The implementation of Agenda 2030 from the perspective of civil society. White lettering on black background and platform logo.

How sustainable is Switzerland? - A critical balance

A new report by 40 civil society organisations takes a critical look at the implementation of sustainability goals in Switzerland. It is intended as a counter-report to Switzerland's official statement before the UN. In it, the Terre des Hommes organisations in Switzerland call for better protection of migrant children and young people.

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Far away shot of the football stadium in St. Petersburg

Do football and human rights actually go together?

With the World Cup in Russia, the next major sporting event is just around the corner. Once the first game is kicked off, it is easy to forget that these events can have a serious, negative impact on the local population. A high-profile panel discussion will highlight what the real problems are and look for possible solutions. We would be delighted to meet you on 7 June in the Neubad!

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A handgun on a wooden railing. Above it a big X with red paint.

Fewer weapons mean more security

What applies in our project countries is also valid for Switzerland: restricted access to weapons means fewer deaths and victims. Our many years of experience in the prevention of violence is the reason why terre des hommes schweiz now also supports the newly founded platform for a sustainable weapons law. Its aim is to create a high standard of weapons law throughout Europe and ultimately to save human lives.

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A man carries a jack on his shoulders.

Petition 'For safe and legal escape routes to Switzerland

Never before have so many people worldwide been on the run from war and violence. Often it is the most affected who have no possibility to reach a safe country. The isolation of Europe further exacerbates the situation of these people. This is why we support the petition "For safe and legal escape routes to Switzerland".

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Group picture

Switzerland exchanges good reputation for arms deals

At the beginning of November 2017, it became known that Swiss arms companies also intend to export to countries at war in the future. This would require a relaxation of the export ordinances. terre des hommes schweiz, together with 24 organisations, therefore supports a letter from the Group Switzerland without Army (GSoA) to the Security Policy Commission. At the same time, the state armaments company Ruag is planning to build an ammunition factory in Brazil.

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No to No Billag logo: Round test pattern with the slogan No to No Billag on 4 March.

Development in the wrong direction: NO to the No Billag initiative

Developed societies around the world are characterized by diversity of opinion and free access to high-quality information. The No Billag initiative in Switzerland puts both at risk. Alliance Sud, the think and do tank of Swiss development organisations, therefore recommends that the referendum be rejected.
A press release from Alliance Sud

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Sahraouis demonstrate with banners: Glencore go home!

Glencore is withdrawing from Western Sahara

Despite warnings from various quarters that its actions are illegal and ethically questionable under international law, the Swiss company Glencore has been searching for oil in the Moroccan-occupied Western Sahara for several years. Now the turning point: Glencore is withdrawing from the disputed territory.
Press release - Basel 11 May 2017

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Screenshot from the UN website for the SDGs.

We stand up for Agenda 2030

Since 2016, Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development has been the global framework for national and international efforts in the field of sustainable development and poverty reduction. Our programme work is geared to this comprehensive agenda. We have clear priorities as to how we can contribute to these ambitious goals. And in the future this will also be done outside our programme work.
Andrea Zellhuber, responsible for violence prevention

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Photo of the five podium participants on stage. Heads of the audience in the foreground.

"We can't just let FIFA off the hook"

Competent panel guests, an exciting topic and attentive spectators: the panel discussion on 16 February 2017 on the topic "FIFA in Transition: Appearance or Being? The conclusion of the evening is just as clear: as much as FIFA is trying hard, the work is still very hard.

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Many Sahrawis stand around a huge flag with the inscription: Siemens get out of Western Sahara.

Morocco's dirty business with green energy

Media Release
UN Climate Change Conference 2016 in Marrakech: Morocco cements the human rights violating occupation of Western Sahara with dirty deals for allegedly clean energy. Siemens wind turbines disrupt the UN peace process in the Western Sahara conflict. A detailed report highlights the unclean linkages.

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