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A Syrian man with his daughter

The "refugee crisis" is our failure

Europe is increasingly closing itself off from the flow of refugees. On their way, migrants are at the mercy of the violence of smugglers and traffickers. Terre des hommes demands the immediate opening of "humanitarian corridors" for their protection.

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The Sahrawi refugee camp near Tindouf (Algeria).

Western Sahara Petition in National Council rejected

Today's session of the National Council dealt with the petition on the extension of the UN mandate in Western Sahara. The latter decided not to accept the petition. We regret that the National Council did not take the opportunity to make a modest contribution to the resolution of the conflict.

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Four young people discuss the future of the campaign at the second Destination Unknown meeting.

Destination Unknown: adults often have no idea

With the launch of the Destination Unknown campaign, a learning process has also begun. This became obvious at the second meeting of all the organisations involved. They all agreed: only united can something be achieved and young people must be more involved.
Sylvia Valentin, responsible for development policy campaigns

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A gold mine in an open-cast mine in Tanzania and the logo of the corporate responsibility initiative

Global business? Global responsibility!

If human rights and the environment are endangered by economic activities abroad, corporations based in Switzerland also have a duty: with this message a broad coalition launched the Corporate Responsibility Initiative in Berne today. It is intended to ensure that Swiss companies integrate the protection of human rights and the environment into their business practices in a binding manner.

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People with blue helmets bearing the UN logo stand together for a group picture in front of the Federal Chancellery.

Opening the eyes of the UN mission in Western Sahara

This afternoon, "blue helmets" delivered weighty mail to the Swiss Federal Council and Parliament. In a petition they called on behalf of 45 organisations and individuals for Switzerland to make a strong case to the UN Security Council for extending the UN mission in Western Sahara to include human rights monitoring.

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Slavery Does Exist Black ground with white-red lettering and a child or teenager at work

5.5 million children and young people are slaves

Slave labour generates 150 billion US dollars annually. Of the 21 million slaves worldwide, 26 percent are minors and children. To mark the 25th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the campaign "End Child Slavery Week" draws attention to this deplorable state of affairs.

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The children in the Brazilian favelas play football with enthusiasm: barefoot on a hard tarred pitch. Hardly any of the money they win at the World Cup goes to them. But they live with the numerous risks of such global sporting events.

Global sports events with rules of the game for the benefit of children

With Children Win, Terre des Hommes has launched a project that addresses the negative aspects of major sporting events on children's lives. The aim is to make those responsible for such events aware of their responsibilities. In the future, they should already plan measures against their negative consequences when awarding and preparing for such events.

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Portraits of activists in preventive detention in Sao Paulo on 12 July 2014.

The gloomy legacy of the World Cup

Totally unnoticed by the public, dramatic scenes still took place shortly before the final game of the World Cup. Protests in Rio de Janeiro were nipped in the bud with an extremely large contingent of security forces. It was clearly visible: at no cost should critical voices spoil the big farewell party.

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