
Annual Report 2023: Development cooperation under pressure

terre des hommes switzerland campaigns for more solidarity

In 2023, a year marked by global crises, the organization terre des hommes schweiz continued its commitment in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland and supported 373,000 young people. While the Federal Council plans to cut the budget for development cooperation, the need for solidarity with people in the Global South is increasing.

2023 was marked by crises and conflicts around the world that exacerbate the suffering caused by hunger and poverty. In the face of these challenges, strong international cooperation is needed. "Despite this, the Federal Council is planning to provide less money for the Global South and instead invest heavily in arming the armed forces. Hardly ever have times been as bad for international cooperation as they are this year," write Board President Dr. Brigitta Gerber and Managing Director Franziska Lauper in the foreword to terre des hommes schweiz's annual report. 

Together with a broad civil society alliance, the development policy organization is committed to strong development cooperation. Dr. Brigitta Gerber and Franziska Lauper emphasize: "As an attractive location for the financial and commodities sector, Switzerland has the financial means to make a significant contribution here." The annual report adopted at the General Assembly in Basel highlights the importance of sustainable engagement alongside people in the Global South.

Successful projects despite limited resources

terre des hommes schweiz received over CHF 6.2 million in donations and legacies last year, with total operating income of around CHF 8.84 million. This represents a decrease in income compared to the previous year. "Multiple crises around the world, such as the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel-Palestine, are drawing attention and resources away from our project countries," comments Reto Mischler, Head of Communications and Fundraising, on the 2023 operating result. 

Despite fewer resources, terre des hommes schweiz was able to continue its project work in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland at a high level. In 2023, the organization supported 373,000 young people, 59% of whom were young women, in the areas of peace culture, sustainable livelihoods and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Shaping the future by learning from each other

As a learning organization, terre des hommes schweiz promotes cooperation in networks and with young people. Gabriela Wichser, Head of Programs, emphasizes the importance of this approach in the annual report: "Learning together and from each other is a central concern for us and that is why we continuously promote exchange between different actors." One highlight of the past year was the Youth Summit, where youth groups, local NGOs and networks came together to discuss how to strengthen the rights of young people.

Another milestone was the introduction of a new model of co-responsibility between employees in Basel and in southern Africa. It remains a central concern of terre des hommes schweiz to increasingly transfer decisions to the project countries in the Global South.


Information: Reto Mischler, Head of Communications and Fundraising, reto.mischler@terredeshommes.ch, +41 78 823 45 05

Media office: Jasmin Schraner, jasmin.schraner@terredeshommes.ch, +41 79 731 61 04

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