Which country do most migrants come from? How many are there worldwide? And how much money do these migrants send back to their home countries? The answers to these and other questions have been processed in an informative graphic by e-politik.de.
The association e-politik.de has a interactive infographic on the topic of migration. At the centre of the infographics is an interactive world map on which data on migration can be called up for all countries: Total population, proportion of migrants and origin of migrants.
In addition, further information on the topic of migration and on key issues such as elite migration, flight and expulsion or urbanisation can be found in the lower navigation bar.
Misconceptions about migration
The topic of migration leaves few people cold. Nevertheless, the public discussion is strongly marked by ignorance and distorted ideas. Graphics such as these and, for example, our online voyage of discovery Migrationsflut and other fairy tales, should serve to objectify the migration debate.
In Migrationsflut and other fairy tales, the five best known prejudices are cleared up. You can start this journey on www.migrationsflut.ch. (this website is no longer available, note 22.8.2019)
Graphics almost freely available
The infographics of e-politik.ch are licensed as Creative Commons and can be used and distributed free of charge by any person in a non-commercial context. It can also be easily embedded in websites and blogs by means of an embedding code.