FAQ - Frequently asked questions

Donations in kind? Project countries? Use of the donations? The 10 most frequently asked questions about terre des hommes schweiz and the answers.
terre des hommes switzerland works in 10 countries in Africa and Latin America.
Africa: Mozambique, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Tanzania, Western Sahara
Latin America: Brazil, El Salvador, Colombia, Nicaragua.
terre des hommes switzerland supports in Switzerland multiple projectsincluding the participatory youth project imagine - the project for diversity and tolerance. We also provide information on development policy issues and participate in nationwide Campaigns together with other organisations.
By doing this for us Donations. Simple but true: In order for our project partners in the South to continue their work, they need continuous financial resources. Free donations are best, which we can use where they are most urgently needed. If you would like to give your donation to a specific topic, you have the possibility to Theme sponsorships. Regular donations help us to plan for the long term.
Yes. as a non-profit organisation, terre des hommes schweiz is tax-exempt and donations to our organisation are tax deductible. We will send you a donation receipt at the beginning of February for all your donations from the previous year, which you can enclose with your tax return.
terre des hommes switzerland has the Zewo seal of approval for non-profit organizations. This has numerous criteria that determine the conscientious handling of donations.
In addition to the Zewo, there are various other foundations and institutions to which we must regularly give account of our work. These include the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, SDC, from which we receive a programme contribution.
terre des hommes schweiz has various instruments with which we ensure that the funds are well used and have an impact. These include project visits and reporting. More on this topic under the heading "How we work“.
Private donations account for about 60 percent of our financial resources. They are the most important source. About 30 percent are provided by the SDC We receive a further 10 percent from foundations and organizations. We also receive money from cantons, communities and churches.
The administrative costs amount to 15 % percent. The annual financial statement with a precise breakdown of costs can be found in the annual report. terre des hommes schweiz has the Zewo seal of approval for charitable organizations. This also contains guidelines on the permitted level of administration costs.
It could be that there is also mail from another terre des hommes organisation. There are various organisations in Switzerland that have "terre des hommes" in their name. We are terre des hommes switzerland. You can recognize our postal service by the logo that you see on the top left of the website.
Depending on whether you are a donor, a project sponsor or have never been in contact with us before, you will receive mail from us one to (in rare cases) six times a year.
No. You can, however, create a Sponsorship for a specific topic take over.
Child sponsorships are a marketing instrument that suggests a personal bond between sponsor and child and serves to bind donors. It also creates the impression that donated money is received more directly. However, child sponsorships involve administrative work and there is a risk that children are instrumentalised. ZEWO, which awards the seal of approval for charitable organisations in Switzerland, rejects individual sponsorships.
No. terre des hommes schweiz does not organise adoptions. We are committed to ensuring that children and young people have a future in their home country.
No. terre des hommes schweiz does not accept clothing or donations in kind. We strengthen local resources in the project countries and do not have the logistical means to transport goods in a sensible way.
In our project countries, we do not hire interns as a matter of principle, as we work with local partner organisations in addition to employees.
Occasionally we offer internships in our Basel office. These will be here advertised.
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