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Children's rights: new teaching material for schools

Four Swiss NGOs develop educational teaching materials on the topic of a "clean, healthy and sustainable environment" to mark International Children's Rights Day To mark International Children's Rights Day on 20 November 2023, the four organizations Pestalozzi Children's Foundation, Integras and the terre des hommes schweiz / Terre des Hommes Suisse alliance are once again presenting free educational tools under the title "Children's rights:

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Really knowing children's rights: Teaching material for a solidary school

Media release - To mark International Children's Rights Day, four Swiss organizations for the rights and perspectives of children and young people are publishing a pedagogical toolkit for professionals in schools and education. It focuses on the topic of play, leisure and recreation. The toolkit can be downloaded free of charge from the website www.children-rights.ch.

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Switzerland calls on Colombia for greater social cohesion and peace

Social unrest has been raging in Colombia's major cities since the beginning of May. The government is fighting the protests brutally and with armed force. According to NGOs on the ground, more than 60 people have already died. The international community is alarmed and reiterates the concerns of the Colombian people and human rights and peace organizations. Members of the Swiss parliament demand in a letter that

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Arms Export Study 2021

No arms exports to Brazil! We know from our project work: More weapons and a repressive security policy lead to a deadly vicious circle. Easy access to firearms is a key driver of the spiral of violence. What responsibility do arms suppliers like Switzerland have? Our new study gets to the bottom of this question. The survey conducted by our partner organization Sou da Paz analyses the

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Jugendliche Jugendliche als Schlüssel zum Erfolg Heute sind 1,8 Milliarden Menschen zwischen 10 und 24 Jahre alt. terre des hommes schweiz stellt marginalisierte Jugendliche in den Mittelpunkt ihrer Arbeit, denn ihre Förderung ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die aktuellen und zukünftigen globalen Herausforderungen. Mehr erfahren Warum wir vor allem Jugendliche fördern Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Unser Verständnis von

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