
Presentation and panel discussion

Wednesday 11 November, 2 pm

Podium guests

Samira Marti
National Councillor SP

Claudio Martelli
Deputy Director SEM, Head of the Asylum Directorate

Inés Mateos

Dieter von Blarer
Lawyer, President humanrights.ch

Andreas Räss
Head of Migration Office
and civil rights BL

Jana Häberlein - Social Scientist
and lecturer, author of studies

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More about migration at terre des hommes switzerland

Four boys in front of a clay wall with political gafitti.

Stop administrative detention for children!

September 12, 2019

Switzerland puts children and young people behind bars, even though it is highly dangerous for their psyche. Minors end up in so-called administrative detention if the Confederation wants to enforce legal provisions on foreigners. Switzerland is thus violating the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The canton of Geneva wants to ban administrative detention for children with an initiative. We support this initiative and demand alternative solutions.

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Shield with Spanish inscription. In the background people and an American flag

Trump's migration policy: worrying consequences for El Salvador

February 26, 2018

Since the end of 2017, terre des hommes schweiz has been supporting a pilot project in El Salvador for young returnees who have been deported from the USA. The already worrying situation is now coming to a head. The US government's decision to lift the protection status for refugees from El Salvador has dramatic consequences for the battered country.
Andrea Zellhuber, Violence Prevention Unit

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A masked policeman in black with a machine gun guards four youths

Central America: the number of unaccompanied minors is increasing

July 27, 2017

In 2016 alone, over 182,000 underage refugees from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala were registered on their way north. They are all looking for a place where they are protected from violence. Often they are exposed to similar dangers on the road as in their homeland. Their protection in the transit countries urgently needs to be improved.
Text: Lesli Gutiérrez Garduño

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