Quality and control
The quality of our work and that of our partners is important to us. Institutions, donors and donors of all kinds, but also the people in our projects have a right to see that the available funds are well used. We ensure this with a range of instruments.

For success and good cooperation it is important to be in regular and close contact with the projects. Our country managers in Basel visit each project once or twice a year. The National Coordinators, who live in the country itself or in a neighbouring country, also visit the projects in the field two or three times a year. They are the first point of contact for the southern partners and work with them on a daily basis.
Visits as support
The project visits are not only about monitoring, but also about support and about recording successes and jointly finding ways of improvement.
Technical and content support
Of course, office work is also part of the visits. Topics such as accounting, organizational structure, personnel issues, but of course also direct project work are discussed. What went well, what went less? Where are the problems, what are the solutions? What developments and topics are currently important? We support the partner organisations professionally and in terms of content and contribute know-how.
Direct contact with the young people in the projects
The second important appointment is the subsequent field visits, where we can talk directly to the people and attend project activities. The target group of our project work is young people. It is important for us to be in direct contact with them and to discuss and work with them during the field visits.
Contracts and reporting
At the beginning of the cooperation, a contract in the sense of a service agreement is concluded with each partner organisation. In this agreement, clear objectives are set for each individual project phase. A project phase usually lasts three years, after which an evaluation is carried out.
authorize deviations
Each partner organisation also draws up half-yearly and annual reports, which consist of two parts: Content work and finances. The progress of the project is explained in the report on the content work. If this progress deviates from the objectives set out in the planning, terre des hommes schweiz must approve this deviation. Only when we approve the report will the next payment be made.
Annual financial audit
For projects receiving a contribution of more than CHF 50,000, an external financial audit is carried out annually. For those whose contribution is less, the National Coordinators control the finances. Evaluations of the organisation, structure, procedures and the like are also carried out as required.

The way in which terre des hommes schweiz and our partner organisations work with young people is essential for success and for achieving the goals set.
Here you can learn about our three most important Working methods know.