
Security for all

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International solidarity and a commitment to justice worldwide are indispensable for human security. It is alarming that Swiss politicians want to massively cut funding for development cooperation. Because today's cuts will exacerbate tomorrow's crises. Together with Alliance Sud, we are calling for more solidarity and strong Swiss development cooperation. 

For sustainable peace

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Development cooperation is sustainable security policy: it promotes the resilience of societies before crises arise. In addition to state and diplomatic efforts for peace, civil society peace work also makes a significant contribution to security and stability. Especially in a time of increasing polarization, it is important to strengthen international cooperation between civil society organizations.  But Swiss politicians are currently setting the course in the opposite direction: they want to massively cut the budget for development cooperation in order to increase that of the army. Creating peace only with weapons? That is short-sighted security policy! 

terre des hommes schweiz is committed to long-term support for young people and partner organizations in Africa, Latin America and Switzerland. Together, we are committed to social cohesion, global justice, climate justice and a decent life. Our work strengthens civil society and contributes to security for all. 

Young people have the potential to change the world. To do so, they need a safe environment and prospects. The safety and empowerment of young people is therefore at the heart of our work. When young people are empowered to make their voices heard and take an active role in their families and communities, they can become key agents of social change.  

Young people and their views

How our projects promote security and stability


Safety for young people

Throughpsychosocial support, we promote the resilience of young people so that they can develop prospects and contribute to the security of their communities despite difficult living conditions. In Zimbabwe For example, we improve the life prospects of HIV-positive young people through low-threshold youth work, combating stigmatization and the buddy system, in which experienced volunteers provide emotional support to the young people concerned. 


Safety for young women

Worldwide in particular girls and young women affected by gender-specific violence. We support young women in the process, through vocational training independence. For more safety in everyday life to create, we clarify for example in South Africa Young people about sexual rightse and offer Survivorsn sexual violence urgently needed medical, psychosocial and legal Accompaniment on.  


Economic security

Poverty and Lack of prospects lead to uncertainty. We support young people thereby, Professione to learn and Smallstcompany to found, through the they earn an income can. When young people the opportunity to have, personal Competencies furtherdevelop, carries the Stability in their families and communities. This shows itself for example in our Project work in El Salvadorwhere Young people through financial Jump start and professional training an alternative to emigration.

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Non-violent cooperation

Peacebuilding begins on a small scale. In our Work with Youth groups, families and Municipalities We help to ensure that conflicts are resolved without violence and that Tensions overcome become. Victims of Violence support we thereby, traumatic experience. So learn for example young people in Colombiato break the spiral of violence and itself active for a culture of peace in their environment to be used.  

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Securing livelihoods

Climate change threatens the safety of all. Young people in rural areas who have to adapt to changing environmental conditions are particularly challenged. We support for example young farmers in Nicaragua in the process, their existence and food security with agroecological Cultivation methods to secure. In addition promote We we are movements around the world that are committed to protecting the environment. 


Protect human rights

In many countries around the world, human rights are disregarded and civil society is suppressed. We strengthen our partner organizations and young people in demanding that their rights be respected. We offer young people a safe environment in which they are protected from oppression and violence. In Brazil For example, we empower youth groups to demand a security policy from their government that is in line with human rights.

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