The three terre des hommes organizations in Switzerland have adopted a joint environmental policy. In it, they undertake to promote the fundamental right of children and young people to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment and to implement measures to reduce their ecological footprint.
Millions of children and young people around the world are suffering from the consequences of the climate and environmental crisis and the ongoing exploitation of natural resources. Those who are already disadvantaged are particularly hard hit. In 2023, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child officially recognized that all children and young people have the right to grow up in a clean, healthy and sustainable environment. By adopting a joint environmental policy, terre des hommes schweiz in Basel, Terre des Hommes Suisse in Geneva and the Terre des hommes Foundation in Lausanne are providing a coherent framework for their commitment to strengthening the rights of children, young people and future generations.
The organizations have committed themselves to promoting the fundamental right of children and young people to a healthy environment and climate justice. This includes the environmentally friendly orientation of its own activities and the promotion of an institutional culture change. Necessary measures should be implemented at all levels of the organizations, both in development cooperation and in the humanitarian sector.
Terre des Hommes Suisse, terre des hommes schweiz and the Terre des hommes Foundation have pledged to reduce their CO₂-emissions by half, which will lead to more sustainable mobility by reducing flights, for example. To achieve this goal, the organizations have already developed climate and environmental roadmaps in 2023 in collaboration with the Climate Action Accelerator initiative.
In addition, the NGOs plan to focus their programs on empowering children, young people, their families and communities to stand up for their right to a healthy environment in the face of the climate and environmental crisis. The organizations want to make the perspectives and voices of children and young people more heard - they are the first to be affected by the climate and environmental crisis.
"As an organization committed to climate justice worldwide, it is a matter of credibility that we do everything we can to significantly reduce our own carbon footprint." Franziska Lauper, Managing Director of terre des hommes schweiz
"For many years, we have put the environment at the heart of our programs, here and there. By working towards a sustainable future, we guarantee children not only a healthy environment, but also a future in which their rights are protected and respected. We see our commitment to environmental protection as inextricably linked to our mission to defend the rights of children, especially the most vulnerable children, who are also the most affected by climate change." David Valdivia, Secretary General ad interim, Terre des Hommes Suisse
Media contacts
terre des hommes schweiz: Jasmin Schraner, Media and Communication, Tel. +41 (0)61 335 91 51
Terre des Hommes Suisse: Emmanuelle Birraux, Responsable communication,, Tél : +41 (0)22 737 36 72