With the exhibition "Welcome home", terre des hommes schweiz is participating in an awareness raising project of several organisations from Basel on the subject of domestic violence. The exhibition is accompanied by a broad supporting programme.
The exhibition "Welcome Home" deals with the causes and different forms of domestic violence. It starts on 25 November 2014 at 6 pm with a vernissage. The exhibition is particularly suitable for young people and offers a broad supporting programme (see event flyer below). "Welcome home" is part of the campaign "16 days against violence against women".
Prevention of violence - an international exchange of experience
In addition to the vernissage, we would like to draw your attention to another event of the supporting programme: On 27.11.2014 (8 p.m.), experts for South Africa, Albania and Switzerland will present their experiences from prevention work. There will be two lectures by Andrea Zellhuber, head of violence prevention at terre des hommes schweiz, and Anja Baier from Iamaneh. Anu Sivaganesan, Nathalie Trummer and Osman Besic will join the panel discussion on prevention work in Switzerland.
Everyday situation on 14 exhibition elements
The exhibition elements are designed like rooms in a house and represent everyday domestic situations. The 14 stations provide an insight into the life world of those affected and shed light on the various aspects of the topic.
Everywhere the same pain
One element of the exhibition deals specifically with the consequences of domestic violence worldwide. terre des hommes schweiz and the organisation IAMANEH Switzerland illustrate their experiences with projects on this topic. The violence experienced makes it difficult and prevents women from participating in the development process of a country and destroys social structures.
Central point of our project work
This is why terre des hommes schweiz supports projects such as Las Melidas in El Salvador. In this project young women who witnessed domestic violence as children are involved in youth groups. These groups do educational work on women's rights.
Event details "Welcome home":
When: 25 November until 05 December 2014
Where: Main - place for design, Holbeinstrasse 58 in Basel (in the backyard)
The exhibition is organized by the Domestic Violence Unit Basel-City, IAMANEH Switzerland, terre des hommes schweiz, Stiftung Frauenhaus beider Basel, Männerbüro Region Basel, Institut Gewaltberatung Prävention as well as Opferhilfe beider Basel.
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