Projects in Colombia
The armed conflict between FARC rebels and the government ended in 2016. This means that there is still a long way to go before there is real peace in Colombia. But the way is clear for social actors to begin building peace. The partner organisations of terre des hommes schweiz are actively working for peace.
Young people break the spiral of violence
The city of Medellín gained notoriety in the 1980s because of Pablo Escobar's drug cartel. Today, the city is still characterized by violence, gang crime and drug trafficking. Many children and young people grow up in this atmosphere of fear and insecurity. They react to problems with violence out of habit. To prevent young people in Medellín's problem neighborhoods from taking a criminal path, we offer them meaningful leisure activities in safe spaces. They learn to develop their potential and engage in various actions to bring about social change in their community.
Commitment to the environment: Young campesinos act
The department of Nariño has always been characterized by conflicts. In addition to gang and drug-related crime, land conflicts in connection with mining projects are a particular feature of the region. The population is confronted with various forms of violence in the family, community, social and institutional spheres. Together with our local partner organization, we support peace activities by young people and their ecological income-generating initiatives.
A future for young people in the countryside
Life perspectives away from crime and violence
Basic information
Size: 1.1 million km² (27 times Switzerland)
Population49.1 million (5.8 times Switzerland)
Human Development Index: 0,727 (rank 95 of 185 countries)
Distribution of income in %: 76,2 (0 = equal distribution / 100% = one person has everything)
Share of population from 0 to 24 years43.3% (Switzerland: 26.5%)
Homicide rate25 per 100 000 inhabitants (Switzerland: 0.6)
Focus of work: Prevention of violence