
Children's rights

Children and young people have special rights

Poverty, violence and rising inequality affect the rights of young people. terre des hommes switzerland is committed in Switzerland and worldwide for the implementation the Human rights one. At the center of our work is the right to health, the access to high quality Education and climate- and social Gustice.  

Youth work against violence against girls and women
Youth work against violence against girls and women

terre des hommes switzerland resolutely combats all forms of violence against children and young people. We are committed to the recognition of diversity and against any form of discrimination. 

The basis of terre des hommes switzerland's work is the Convention on the Rights of the Child from 1989. No international human rights convention has been signed by as many states as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Switzerland ratified it a good 25 years ago, and all project countries of terre des hommes schweiz have done the same. The USA is the only country that has not signed the convention. This broad support is the worldwide expression that children and adolescents need special legal protection and that their rights require special consideration. 

Addressing the special needs of children

Children and young people are particularly vulnerable. They must be strengthened and protected in their development. They must be supported and encouraged in their age-specific needs and have a say in matters that affect them. Children must be treated as individuals and first and foremost as children with rights specific to them. In particular, they must have access to quality education, health services, and recreational opportunities that meet their specific needs. 

Making governments take responsibility

With its work based on children's and human rights, terre des hommes switzerland supports partner organizations in holding their governments accountable for implementing the rights of children and young people. 

In its development policy work in Switzerland, terre des hommes schweiz is committed to ensuring that Swiss politicians as well as companies and associations based in Switzerland respect the rights of children and young people in their international activities. 

Strong in networks

terre des hommes switzerland is active on the topic of children's rights in the Children's Rights Network Switzerland as well as in the International Federation Terre des Hommes. These networks advocate for the implementation of children's rights in Switzerland and at the UN level.  

Black girl speaks into a microphone on a high desk.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

In order to create a basis for equal rights for all children in the world, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) was adopted in 1989. It comprises 54 articles on survival, protection and development and is based on the principles of non-discrimination, the best interests of the child and the hearing of children.

Learn more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child.