

Rights of young migrants

Migration is usually presented as something negative and a threat that must be prevented. Migration is a reality and a challenge to which we must find answers together. Especially for children and young people, migration also poses great dangers. terre des hommes schweiz is committed to combating racism and protecting young migrants.

Young people look with their backs to the camera into the distance at the wooden park on the Klybeck area.

Migration is one of the global challenges of the 21st century. In the public eye, migration is primarily portrayed as something negative that must be prevented. Migrants are perceived as a threat to security, prosperity and national identity. However, migration is not, as often portrayed, a problem that needs to be solved. Migration is a reality which, contrary to widespread opinion, does not primarily run in the direction of Europe, but takes place primarily in the South.

Migrating children are first and foremost children
People all over the world are fleeing violence and poverty. The search for a secure life and income is legitimate and must not be criminalised or politically exploited. Among the migrants are also many children and young people, a particularly vulnerable group, who must be given protection. Special protection is needed for underage migrants. They are primarily children and as such are protected by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. For example, they are entitled to accommodation and care appropriate to children. The aim is always to find a lasting solution in the best interests of the child or young person. It is imperative that the child or adolescent be involved in this solution finding process.

Working for the protection and rights of young migrants
terre des hommes schweiz promotes an open and tolerant society that is free of racism and discrimination. In the international migration campaign Destination Unknown, we advocate the protection and rights of young migrants around the world. In Switzerland, we are committed to psychosocial support and empowerment of young people with a refugee background.


Young people with a refugee background in Switzerland face many challenges, but also bring many resources with them. In the MePower project, they learn about their strengths and opportunities for action and have the opportunity to network.

Destination Unknown

Minor migrants are first and foremost children and young people who need special protection. To draw attention to their needs, terre des hommes schweiz is involved in the international campaign Destination Unknown.